Monday 5 May 2014

Why Choose ASP .NET MVC over Conventional ASP .NET

In the present time, ASP .NET has made a place for itself at the top for vastitude of applications and web development solutions. Majority of the businesses are opting for upgraded .NET framework - Model View Controller (MVC) to have a competitive edge over contenders belonging from the same category. The platform holds the promise to keep up the expectations of a developer with its extension available today. The extension of outmoded platform is the result of innovation by the community members that make it predominant and best programming language of its generation. You can hire a Dot Net development Company to gain a better insight of below listed differences between the conventional and modern platform of Dot Net.

The MVC framework was launched with precision to handle the matters of complicated coding. The platform, thus, gives better control and convenience to carry out development. 

ASP .NET introduces Separation of concerns (SOC), a feature that enables you create personalized designs with added flexibility to decide the tone your design must follow. By separating applications into different segments, you make it lot easier to study each segment precisely. The method promotes great design from a development standpoint.

SEO friendly
One of the essential things for the businesses today is to have a website that is easily found and accessible. You can do this by creating URLs that contain useful information. Google is more likely to rank a site higher with a clear URL. Also, doing this becomes easy-to-remember for humans. Here is the SEO-styled route for ASP .NET MVC applications:

        "products/{productId}/{productName}", // URL
        new { controller = "Products", action = "Details", productName = UrlParameter.Optional }, // URL Defaults
        new { id = @"\d+" } // URL Constraints

Highly Customizable
The interface of your programming framework must have enough room to offer third party tools and extensions. MVC framework gives developers ample freedom to customize; one can expect custom .NET development features within this framework.

Easy Testing
The Model View Controller lets you fix the coding errors as you develop it, so errors may be reported in real-time. Developers can go haywire with following the irregular roadmap for code structure, MVC model aids to have a correct code structure. Here, MVC helps developers accomplish the desired results that conventional model generally don’t do.    



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